My work is concerned with the spirit. That of place, human existence and that of the wraith.
The atmosphere of the many sites and places I've visited led me to become interested in the layers of history, the traces of human activity and the meanings present there.

Back in the studio, to explore these notions I experiment with a variety of imagery and materials, layering, binding, assembling and scraping to create metaphors for feelings, remembrances, people and places. It is hoped that the viewer of the work will find their own memories reflected in the images and surfaces.

The works start with the application of a variety of media: a combination of many or maybe limited to just two or three. Surfaces are built up which may suggest shapes, forms and elements of places and experiences.

All of these produce layers of meaning and memory. Sometimes, through overworking, new memories appear, old ones become buried, hidden but not forgotten, receding into the canvas. It's from these I look to develop equivalents in the paintings, distilling them into the surfaces.
Derek lives and works in Southport, Merseyside. He taught for forty years, producing his work throughout his career. 
Whilst teaching Derek developed artist residencies, bringing many working artists into the studios and using their techniques and ideas to enrich the curriculum and his own practice. 
In 1993 he coordinated the team for Antony Gormley’s “Field for the British Isles “, contributing over a thousand figures for the work and installing it at Tate Gallery Liverpool. 
Derek became a member of Manchester Academy of Fine Art in 2004, served on its council for four years and continues to exhibit regularly with them.